Fry's has a great ad this week! I spent $48.79 and saved $148.30. I had coupons for EVERY single item that I bought. I even got a WOW from the cashier. :) On one of my trips through the store a while ago there was a tearpad of coupons for $1.00 off produce when you buy 2 Kraft salad dressings. Kraft always has coupons for the salad dressing which I can usually then get for free, so I grabbed a few of the produce coupons to use with them. Today I got to use those. I got 5 bottles of dressing for free and then got free lettuce and free bananas.
When I mention my deals my sisters always ask "How do you do that?" So, here you go guys. :) I looked at the Fry's ad today and when you buy 10 of certain items, you get $5.00 off. I matched the coupon with the sale. That way I get TWICE the savings. A sale and a coupon. Looking at this, I can't make a dinner with 10 boxes of yogurt and salad dressing, but I add the items to my stock pile and they always get used. Salad dressing make great marinade. I have found that I spend ALOT more money when I am out of something and run to the store. I always end up buying more than the item I went for. So, now I have a nice stock pile and rarely have to run to the store. I used to plan a dinner menu around what the family wanted and now I plan the dinner menu around the sales and they rarely complain, and when they do TOO BAD!! :)
It has taken me awhile to get the stash of coupons that I have, but I just kept collecting them and now have a huge stash and am able to buy everything (almost) with a coupon. Cellfire.com and shortcuts.com are 2 sites that you can enter your store card information and then load coupons right onto your shopper card and when you check out it automatically takes the savings off. Coupons.com is a wonderful printable coupon site. They put up new coupons all the time. There are alot of manufactures who offer coupons on their sites. You have to sign up for their newsletter alot of times, but I have a special e-mail account for all of those so my regular e-mail does not get overloaded. It takes time and patience though. Saige actually said the other day "You love your precious coupons more than you love me." No Saige. . . I love you way more, but it's because of the money I save with my coupons that you are able to have the things you have. Kids just don't understand. :)