Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My favorite ornaments

My favorite ornaments are the ones the kids have made when they are little. In fact our tree this year is just homemade ornaments, and a few that were Dallas Cowboys and Harley ones that were given to Jason as gifts.
Daniel was 3 years old.
Saige was 1 year old.
This was made from Daniels hands and feet when he was 2 years old. Boy he has grown.
These are Tylers he made in elementary school.
Colin was 3 and Tyler was 5 - Gotta love those sweet faces. Too bad they don't stay that sweet. Attitudes sure have changed!!


Marni said...

So cute! you are a better Mom than I actually keep the homemade ornaments! :) I love the one of Jason! What a STUD!

Grandma Carla said...

I actually got teary looking at those ornaments. Time sure does fly and how precious our children are. Even Jason was soooo sweet once!

Melissa said...

Those are so precious!!
What a great reminder of how life flies by...A tree full of yesterdays!
Great idea!

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

I totally remember you! Time does fly by, it seems like just yesterday we were all swimming in the pop-up pool in your back yard....