Colin just started working at Old Navy in November as a seasonal employee. He really likes it there and enjoys the people he works with. A few weeks ago, they asked him if he would be interested in staying on with them. Of course he was excited. Today he came home with more exciting news. He was named Employee of The Month! I'm so proud of him!

I just wish the rest of the day was just as exciting. I have Saige and Daniel home from school today. Saige with her on-going stomach pains (we actually took her to the ER last night because they got so bad) and Daniel got up this morning with the throw ups. :( Daniel said he is finally feeling better and the doctors office just called for Saige and they are getting together a referral for a GI specialist. Hopefully things will be looking up soon for the both of them.
Hooray for Colin!!! Love that guy! And, I promise, one day these hard times will be a distant memory! In fact, everything will be a distant memory!
Sorry to here about Saige and Daniel! Good job Colin!!
I think it's so fitting that you used a SpongeBob picture for the Employee of the Month post for Colin! I love that boy!! Colin, not SpongeBob! LOL!!! He is such a great kid!! I'm sorry to hear about Daniel and Saige. This to shall pass... as mom would always say! We love your family!!
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