I don't think anyone realizes how much they can impact someone else. I have been having a "feel bad for me" week. My life just isn't what I expected at this moment. While browsing blogs this morning I (once again) realized that my life could be MUCH worse. There are times when I get so upset because the kids won't help out and I feel like I am cleaning constantly, only to be followed behind by children making more messes. When I say anything about the house being a mess, the kids call me a clean freak...not hardly, I just like it not disgusting. The laundry is never done, because when I turn around there is always more to wash. Daniel and Saige have me frustrated because no matter what we try they continue bickering and fighting, and with Jason going to school in the mornings and working nights I am left all by myself to deal with it all. What would I do without my family though? They are what make up the happiest times in my life. I am really going to work on being positive and tolerating the messes and the fighting, because one day the kids will all be gone and I know that I will be sad. Tyler has already moved out and I miss him and think of him everyday. When I compare my "not so wonderful" life to others, I guess I will keep my own problems and just get a different attitude.