Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This is the card that we did for Saige to take to class. The quality of the picture is bad, it actually is ALOT cuter in person!
Jason got me a Valentine's Day card that I loved! I thought it was so cute I had to share it. My favorite part was probably the coupon part :)

Jason put "Oh wait, that's you" - he knows me too well! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine cards

These are the Valentines that I did for the little ones I watch.
I will post the ones that Saige is taking to school in just a bit. I just
love pinterest! I took ideas from there and made them a little differently.
Baggie of goldfish
Package of microwave popcorn

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Colin's car

Colin bought a car! He has been kinda looking for his own car for a little while. He found this one on Craigslist and had Jason and Tyler go and check it out with him. They all decided besides the paint fading, it was a good deal. It is a Chevy Cavalier. I love the color and the fact that it has a sunroof! Now he just has to learn to drive it because it's a standard :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ticket box

I decided to do a ticket reward system with Daniel and Saige. I went to Goodwill looking for something to hold everything. When I saw this I knew it would be perfect!

After alittle scrapbook paper, modge podge, and work here is the finished product.
It holds all the tickets (and Chuck E Cheese tokens for extra special rewards) on the top and then has two drawers on the bottom. Twice a week they can use their tickets to buy things out of the prize store. So far, I love this system. I knew with Jason working the evening shift I had to figure out something so I would not pull my hair out on a nightly basis. The kids and I are all alot happier. I just hope it continues!


Saige joined Girl Scouts a few months ago and has loved it! They do alot of fun things at their meetings. She was so excited to be able to sell girl scout cookies and of course we were excited to support her by buying some :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Exciting news

Colin just started working at Old Navy in November as a seasonal employee. He really likes it there and enjoys the people he works with. A few weeks ago, they asked him if he would be interested in staying on with them. Of course he was excited. Today he came home with more exciting news. He was named Employee of The Month! I'm so proud of him!
I just wish the rest of the day was just as exciting. I have Saige and Daniel home from school today. Saige with her on-going stomach pains (we actually took her to the ER last night because they got so bad) and Daniel got up this morning with the throw ups. :( Daniel said he is finally feeling better and the doctors office just called for Saige and they are getting together a referral for a GI specialist. Hopefully things will be looking up soon for the both of them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hey, where has the last year gone??

I can't believe it has been almost a year since I posted last. I have been wanting to get back into blogging, but it has been hard between kids and Jason stealing the computer. We finally got a laptop, only because Jason needed it for school (but it's really mine) so I am hoping to be able to blog more. When this happened yesterday, I knew I had to post it :)
Anyone who knows me, knows I am addicted to Diet Coke. I called Colin yesterday on his way home from work and asked him to get me a Thirstbuster on the way home because we didn't have any Diet Coke in the house (gasp). Colin said to me "Does it have to be a Thirstbuster?" I said no, either Circle K or QT is fine, either one. Little did I know that when I was talking to him that he was at McDonald's getting us both drinks! So, he comes home with this...

and this!
Every place has a different taste to their soda, and he wasn't sure I would be happy with McDonald's after all. I am excited because now I have 2 full cups of soda! Well, Colin is so thoughtful that when he put the Circle K one in the fridge for later he took out the ice so it wouldn't water down my soda. I have the best kids!!! Jason had been at school all morning and on his way home he decided to suprise me and bring me this...
I have such a thoughtful family. Either that or they know how I get without my daily Diet Coke.

I am going to start posting things that have been going on this past year when I get my pictures organized. We have had an exciting year. We even added a new daughter (in-law) to our family.